AirGap Wallet

The companion application to AirGap Vault installed on your every-day phone and not aware of any secrets.


AirGap Wallet

AirGap Wallet is a watch-only wallet used alongside AirGap Vault. This separation helps to provide better security while handling your funds.
The AirGap Wallet initiates transactions, connects to a network to fetch data from the blockchain, and displays this information within the app as a portfolio overview. The Vault, however, does not connect to any network, irrespective of the device used. The Vault signs transactions and protects your private key securely offline.

Download it now for free:

AirGap Introduction

Follow the step-by-step video on how to set up the AirGap solution:

Additional information


Multi Currency support
Staking / Delegation
NFTs (currently only on Tezos)
Inbuilt exchange
Inbuilt On-off ramp
Dark Mode
API Health check

Full overview:

Supported Currencies

Bitcoin – BTC, Ethereum – ETH, Polkadot – DOT, Kusama – KSM, Tezos – XTZ, Cosmos – ATOM, Moonbeam – GLMR, Moonriver – MOVR, Astar – ASTR, Shiden – SDN, Aeternity – AE, Groestlcoin – GRS, Internet Computer Protocol – ICP, Coreum – CORE, ERC-20

Full overview:

AirGap Vault Support

The companion application to AirGap Vault installed on your every-day phone and not aware of any secrets.


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